Sunday, December 10, 2006


Sure there is something to be said about being humble. But maybe we should ask the question, "am I being a little too humble?"

No... You can't be serious can you? How could you be too humble?

My answer is simply this. You are the light of the world! Light can't be timid! It has to stand out, it can't help but shine for everyone to see. We are children of God! We are heirs to His Throne! Not only that, but unlike our biological parents, God choose us. 1 Peter 2:9 says,

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

We have been chosen for a reason, to make His name renown. We can't be shy about this. Our Fathers name is on the line. We have to do everything we can to get the word out! Use everyone of your gifts. You can't be humble! Let everyone know who you are. Be proud of your family name, Christ. Lets make His name renown!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Bold Call

Today while I was finishing up the book, "On Being a Missionary," God has convicted me. In fact, I had to leave my computer and go for a walk before coming back to write this. Hale (the author) mentions several things that are bonuses for missionaries, such as: multicultural richness, army life, abundant riches (you'll have to read the book to get that one), and adventure. As great as all of that sounds, none of that really does it for me. If that were all the good things about being a missionary, then I could do without it. What calls me to missions is the chance to leave a legacy.

I am a very competitive person. I hate being second! Believe it or not I’ve actually cried over being second, twice! (Texas Football State Championship) That’s what makes me love Christianity. It calls me to a radical life. A life that is far from mediocrity! I can’t stand the fact of having a lukewarm faith! I want to be 100% completely sold out for Christ. I don’t want anything to do with “The American Dream.” In fact, it almost makes me sick to even think about it. All I want is to leave a legacy that when people remember me, they think of Christ. May I glory in Christ alone! I want people to say, Jordan was a puppet. He did exactly what God asked him to do, without even thinking about it. When Jesus called the twelve he didn’t give them a chance to wait and weigh the costs. He bid them come, and die. They followed. I yearn for a faith that follows without a single thought. Some people call that reckless. I call it Faith!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Busy Week

This is gonna be a really busy week! I had my first voice lesson today since 6th grade. It was great. Robert Burke is my professor. He knows his stuff. After that I met with Frances Green about everything we have going on this week. I've got quite the to-do list piled up with getting ready for the retreat, leaving some leadership back at the Gym Class Sunday morning, classes and plenty of homework from all of them. All of that being said... I can't wait! Its going to be an awesome weekend. So far we have 80 students signed up for the retreat. I'm counting on 90-100 total. We have some really great speakers: Steven Corbett, and Vann Conwell. We are also going to do a prayer walk and I'm leading several times of worship. Please be in prayer about the retreat and all who are on it. "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer." 1 Peter 3:12

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

New Beginnings

This summer was the best summer of my life. Also the busiest, hence not posting a blog all summer. I was the Youth and Worship Intern at Sugar Grove Church of Christ. God blessed me in so many ways. I was working with Josh Kasinger, who in my opinion is the best Youth Minister around. Dustin Koctar and Lindsey Mills were the other Youth Interns. They did an incredible job. What an incredible blessing they were! I will always hold a special place in my heart for the people at that church.

It was a great summer and it was sad to see it end. However, I am very excited about my new job. I am the Worship Associate Minister to the Campus Ministry at Southern Hills Church of Christ. I'm pumped about the things that God is going to do this year at Southern Hills. We are having a retreat next weekend, September 8-10, to kick off the semester. It should be great! I think we will see lots of new people there that are excited about getting involved at Southern Hills. I am looking for people to get involved with the Campus Ministry, so if you have any interest let me know. We have all kinds of jobs, including: Table Leaders for the Gym Class, LifeGroup Leaders, photographers, video editors, actors, table setters, communion servers, praise team people, ect. I can't wait to work with all of you. Its going to be a great year!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New Love and Amazing Grace

I had my first niece last Thursday! Pretty crazy stuff. Its pretty wierd being an uncle and knowing that I'm going to be a part of raising one of God's children. She is the most beautiful baby you will ever see! Her name is Emma Grace Bunch. I can hardly understand why a little baby can do absolutly nothing and yet you love them. Its so incredible, I mean they did absolutly nothing to earn your love, and yet you can't help but love them.

It really does help me to see God's love for a us in a new perspective. I have done absolutly nothing to earn God's love for me. I'm pretty pathetic when I start to think about. A lot like a baby, only I screw up more. I sin all the time! Its pretty ridiculous. I mean why would God love me? Who knows??? But He does anyways! PRAISE GOD!!! This little girl sure has taught me alot already.

I have also been very blessed to be a part of Hope Church of Christ this semester. I have been leading worship or singing on the praise team there every week this semester. It has not only been good experience for me in that area, but it has taught me alot about how a church family should be. They are so open and honest about things. They are really a "come as you are" church. And I absolutly love that about all of them. Last week a man in the church came to confess and appoligize before the church that he had been unfaithful to his wife. Afterwards we sang Amazing Grace and I watched as people lined up all the way to the back to go forgive and hug him during the song. More than half the church was in tears. It was the most one of the most powerful acts of worship I have ever been a part of. Thank God for love and grace that would save a wretch like me!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It was a pretty good day. After classes were over I hung out in the new Learning Commons, and man is it nice. I started a new book, Inside-Out Worship, its the one that Katie gave me. And man it is packed! Its gonna make my top 5 list for sure. After that I went out to eat at Rosas with Briana and Jerrod and then went to College Drive for church. It was pretty sweet, and I sorta learned some new songs. Then Briana, Jerrod and I shot some hoops. Then I had practice with my praise team for tomorrow at the Study Abroad Chapel. Anyways heres a thought for the day.

When we really pay attention to God's worth, our worship times will start to look even more like the heavenly throne room. The angels sing as do we. The living creatures speak out their praise, and we join them. But the 24 elders bow down on their faces. Oh, that we would see what they see and do as they do, a little more often! To bow is the ultimate physical sign of reverance.

There's definately a different dynamic in worship that kicks in when we fix our eyes firmly on Jesus. I worry that too often we spend our worship times reflection on how we are doing and what we have gained. So often when we say "I love you." we say it with a huge "I" and a small "you." But there's a wonderful biblical dynamic in worship when we lift our eyes off ourselves and gaze upon the beauty of God. William Barclay describes just how a heart captured by the wonder of Jesus gazes upon him:

"He looks with wondering amazement; he looks as one who looks to a champion and a Saviour. He looks as one looks with adoration at his lover. He looks to God when God has become for him the only reality in the world"

In an age of informality and irreverance, true unveiled worshippers recognize the otherness of God and treasure the call to intimacy with Him. Transfixed by His glory and transformed in His presence, we become ever more like Him. Unvieled worshippers are different when they come down the mountain. They are radiant, for all to see, and shining with the glory of God.

Monday, April 10, 2006


One thing I am slowly learning is that it is ok to be an undignified worshipper. In fact, I am starting to believe that God might even prefer it.

Sometimes we may need reminding of how passionate God is for us. Jesus' story of the prodigal son has to be one of the best pictures of God's passionate heart. The father welcoming his wayward son home is powerful in itself, but the way in which he welcomes him is even more moving. This wealthy, dignified man loses all reserve, running toward his son with complete abandon. This was not the way for a man of his stature to behave; if there was any running to be done, he would always send a servant to do it. But as he races toward his son, we see a powerful picture of abandoned extravagant love. Our heavenly Father Loves us with the same great abandon. Passionate, undignified worship is our only reasonable response. William Barclay once wrote:

"Love does not stop nicely to calculate the less or more; love does not stop to work out how little it can repectable give. With a kind of divine extravagance, love gives everything it has and never counts the cost. Calculation is never any part of love."

It's ok to smile. It's ok to clap for our creator. I mean afterall we go crazy for sports and music stars, did we forget that God made them too? It's ok if you feel like lifting your hands and crying out, "God I surrender to you, let my life be totally 100% in you." It's ok to lift your hands and say, "just hold me daddy (abba). " It's ok if you are so full of the joy of the Lord that you cant keep still and you have to move around. I am still working on it, but I want to be a much more undignified worshipper, because I believe that is what God is calling me to be.

Been Busy

I've been slacking pretty bad on the blog deal for a while. I've been pretty busy the last couple of weeks and wasnt really thinking about this. Quick update: I got to lead worship last sunday (the 2nd) at Hope Church of Christ. It went very well, I was really able to worship God with an undivided heart and I heard the same from a few others who were there. Thats what it is all about. Afterwards Lauren Graham asked me to lead worship the next few weeks at the study abroad chapel on Thursdays. I'm excited about that, it should be a fun time. This weekend my little sister and mom came into town for her academic literary meet. She did an awesome job of acting. I was very proud. I had dinner with my mom and got to hang out with my good friend Terry Davis. He is one of the main people that inspired me to go into worship ministry. He is an awesome worship leader that really shows passion and alot of energy. I have learned alot from him. I also got to hang out with Katie Mullican a little bit and she gave me my belated birthday present. She gave me "Inside Out Worship: Insights for Passionate and Purposeful Worship" by Matt Redman and friends, from The Worship Series. I'm in the middle of another book so I have to wait til I finish it but, I read the intro and its gonna be a really good one.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring Break

Spring break was pretty awesome this year. I went to Durango, Colorado with my family, Ross and Hiedi Holt, my little sisters friend. There was more snow there than there ever has been while we were there.

I got to talk with Ross alot about some good stuff. We mainly hung out around the cabin, rode the four wheelers, played cards and dominoes, and read alot. We went skiing one day. The conditions were awesome. There was a really awesome view from the top. I hung out for a few minutes when I went to the very top just to look around at the view.

One day Ross and I had to continue a tradition that Grant, Ross, Jonathan and I started last year. We chopped some trees up with axes and made a big fire. It was pretty huge.

I got to read a few books while I was up there. It was really nice to just relax and not have to worry about anything for a few days. Blue Like Jazz was really awesome. It really helps make a good distinction between religion and spirituality.

Heres a little section from, Blue Like Jazz, that I thought really described love very well:

"I was in love once. I think love is a bit of heaven. When I was in love I thought about that girl so much I felt like I was going to die and it was beautiful, and she loved me too, or at least she said she did, and we were not about ourselves, we were about each other, and that is what I mean when I say being in love is a bit of heaven. When I was in love I hardly thought of myself; I thought of her and how beautiful she looked and whether or not she was cold and how I could make her laugh. It was wonderful because I forgot my problems. I owned her problems instead, and her problems seemed romantic and beautiful. When I was in love there was somebody in the world who was more important than me."
~Donald Miller

Thats an awesome way to describe how we should love God. We think about him all the time. His problems become our problems: poverty, disease, hunger, lost people, ect. and they are romantic and beautiful things to work on. We dont think about ourselves, only about how beautiful He is and how we can make Him happy.

Friday, March 10, 2006

HE was definatly there

Chapel went very well. I knew it would, God had been giving that comfort to me over the past few weeks. And when I say it went well I dont mean the praise team and I sounded good and everything went smooth (even though they sounded incredible and everything flowed very well). I mean that God's presence was felt. I know God was there and He was smiling at His worshippers, who where standing and shouting Hallelujah! There is no feeling like it when God blesses you with His presence. Praise God!

I am about to leave for Colorado with the family and Ross. It is going to be incredible. I cant wait to get up in the mountains and enjoy Gods creation, and have some good family/Ross time. I won't have access to a computer while I am there so there won't be any posts until I get back on Sunday. I'll let you know how it goes...

Worship Thought:

Worship leaders, we are on a sacred journey. The cargo is precious and the mission is vital. If we're to really see our King's pleasure in this whole worship music movement, then there are some narrow paths we need to cling to. At times it may seem more attractive to find pleasure from the people. Many of you have a lot of gifting and could certainly impress a lot of people. If you really wanted to, you could grab a whole lot of attention for yourself. But the challenge is to stay pure and true to the cause. Always keep in mind the end of the journey- the pleasure of the King over you as you bring your unspoiled offering before Him and Him alone.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

God's Presence

I have been waiting for tomorrow for quite a while. The beginning of Spring Break, and the day I am blessed to be able to lead worship at chapel. I have been given some real spiritual meat this week preparing me for tomorrow. I couldn't be more excited. The theme for chapel tomorrow is "God's Presence." I had really been feeling God in my life over the past few weeks, so I felt that we should focus our praise and worship on His awesome presence. I will be putting my order of worships on here from now on so feel free to use them in whatever way you want. I like using themes. In my experience it is alot more effective and helps every worshipper focus on a central theme of God and praise Him for that.

Cry of My Heart
In the Secret
(chorus only)
Holy Ground (medley)
Beatty vs. 1
Davis once thru
Blessed Be Your Name
Had It Not Been the Lord
Take me now to your heavenly throne-
It is you I want to finally meet and praise in every way.
Take me now to Your heavenly throne-
I want to kiss Your feet and be with You all day.
I can not endure this world without You;
I can not make this pain subdue…
You know my heart- You know I long for eternal life.
Do amazing things with this body, that keeps your sons soul inside of me alive.
Take me from here- for I have no burdens keeping me away.
Lord, take me to your heavenly throne-
Dear Jesus, I pray for that glorious day.
~Chaz Lilly
Arms of Love
Psalms 62:1-2
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
He Will Come and Save You
Revelation 19:1
After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "Hallelujah!
Revelation 19:3
And again they shouted: "Hallelujah!
Revelation 19:6
Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
Shout Hallelujah
This is How We Overcome

It should be good. I'll let you know how it goes...

Worship Thought:

"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face."
~1 Corinthians 13:12

We will be completely unveiled worshippers, seeing in full what we see only in part now. We will become the perfect unquenchable worshippers, for there will be nothing to quench our devotion. No more tears, no more troubles, no more pain. We will be the ultimate undignified worshippers, no doubt joining the 24 elders as they throw themselves before the heavenly throne. That day will bring a freedom in praise the likes of which this world has never seen. Every distraction to our worship will have passed away. No more temptations and no more enticements. Completely undivided worshippers, we will stand in the very presence of God, and He alone will consume every heart.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Faith vs. Works

Do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does talking about faith really mean that a person has it? For instance, you go to a friend who is wearing old torn and dirty clothes, starving and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup. Where does that get you? Isn't it obvious that "God-talk" without "God-acts" is completely ridiculous?

I can hear you thinking sounds good! You take care of the faith, I'll take care of the works. I don't think so. You can't show me your works apart from your faith anymore than I can show you my faith apart from my works. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together like a hand in a glove.

Dont trust me. Read it for yourself... James 2:14 ff

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Living Jesus

It was probably the best day (as far as weather goes) outside today. I loved it! Around 8pm I was like what in the world am I doing inside. So I went out and played my 12 string for a about an hour and half, and then I was on my way back to the dorm around 9:30 when I saw a girl trip. I met up with her and she asked where the library was so I walked her there (she doesnt go to ACU yet). She happens to have a great alto voice so we just sat down and praised God. (I used my guitar shhhh dont tell anybody haha just kidding) Then Eric Johnson joined us and we sang and talked about stuff til curfew. Her name is Jessica White. Afterwards I came to a devo/discussion time with a bunch of guys from around the dorm, and Randy Harris. It was awesome! Lots of guys really opened up and asked questions and shared their beliefs. We talked about not being "Christians" but just following Jesus instead. And how radical of a life that really is. What I love most about it is that it is more than a religion. It is a call to GREATNESS! And I want to be great at everything I do. So that makes it so much more attractive to me. So with that I leave you with this challenge.

Do not settle for "well at least I only did _______" or "its not as bad as the sin they are doing." There is no reason we should ever settle, for ANYTHING. Following Christ is more than that. It is a call to greatness. A call to an authentic faith. A call to perfection.

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
~Matthew 5:48

Monday, March 06, 2006

Jesus Freak

Today was a good day. I bowled a 141 in bowling class. And then I worked on chapel for a while longer. I bought 2 new ZOE Group books. I think I have them all now :) Then I went to make copies for my praise team and Sarah Aguilar and Scott Morrison were there making copies too. It was a good reunion since I never see Sarah anymore. SHEESH SARAH! Later on we had a Freshman Devo, and Steven Moore gave an amazing lesson about being a Jesus Freak, and not holding anything back. Pretty much he said we should be "unquenchable worshippers" so as you can guess I was ready to give a follow up lesson. Too bad it wasnt a discussion thing cause I might have made the devo alot longer haha. After the devo i had practice with my praise team. It went really well, I am so excited about Friday Chapel. They sounded awesome! It was a good day.

Thought for the Day:

The Creator of the universe has opened a door to closeness with Him, and we need to ensure we never take it for granted. If this talk of intimacy is to be wholesome, we must never forget whom it is we are approaching. The writer of Ecclesiastes puts it perfectly:

“Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.”
~Ecclesiastes 5:1-2

There is a time to be still and just know that God is God. This is a time to reflect on who He is and respond with the fewest of words and the simplest of songs. As the Ecclesiastes passage goes on to say, “Therefore stand in awe of God” (v. 7).

The Unquenchable Worshipper

This world is full of fragile loves- Love that abandons, love that fades, love that divorces, love that is self seeking. But the unquenchable worshipper is different. From a heart so amazed by God and His wonders burns a love that will not be extinguished. If survives any circumstance. It will not allow itself to be quenched, for that would heap insult on the love it lives in response to.

~Matt Redman (The Unquenchable Worshipper)

(several of these blogs will include quotes from this book)