Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The U.S. Mission Field (the West)

Well my days in the Bronx are over with (as far as I know). I'm back in full swing getting ready for our campus ministry leadership retreat where I'll be helping train all of our LIFE Group leaders and getting ready for the big Fall retreat in September. Then it will be time to start preparing for the 24/7 Prayer movement God started through me last semester at ACU. So its going to be an exciting semester.

It was raining all morning as I was leaving for the airport. And so you guessed it my flight was delayed. And man do I mean delayed! I was supposed to leave at 2PM so I got to the airport around 11:00 and after many adventures in 2 different airports I finally left JFK International at 10PM. I was looking out to the west at the darkness. As I was looking out I was listening to Hillsong one of my favorite worship bands and just praising God for the summer and what He had been doing in my life. As I was doing this I felt the Spirit urging me to pray over these pockets of light (small towns and cities) that I could see from the airplane. So I prayed over them. Then about midnight He started to give me words. Here they are exactly as I wrote them in my journal...

All I need is you Lord.
As I look out to the West from a mile high I see pockets of people.
Because no one wants to be alone,
or maybe no one can exist alone.
All the lights gather.
Is this the remnant?
Will they shine in the dark spaces?

The dark spaces are great in the West
And yet they are so bright.
So different.
They stand out so clearly among all creation
And yet you are a gracious God.
Your clouds cover the whole land.
Your stars look down over all the peoples.

But now I look to the West and see the darkness.
Do you still remain there?
Where is the remnant?
The only light I see is my own,
But it is very bright.
Will it be enough?
It makes a difference,
But no.
It is not enough.

Maybe one here and one there.
Then over there.
The light is growing!
More people can see!
But not enough.

I know the enemy has been defeated.
I know this is my heart,
But it is still so dark in the West.
And now as I look out to the West
it is completely dark!

Where has the light gone?
Who will shine?
Who will stand?
Who will go?

I will shine Lord!
I will stand up!
I will go!
I will declare your name wherever I go!
Your name will be on my lips at all times.
My tongue will be undivided.

This house will stand.
Stand on the Rock.
Because there is nothing like your Love.
And your Love is all I need.

All I need is you Lord.
You are everything!
All I need is you Jesus!
Draw close!
Be near to me!
I need more of you Lord.

You will be my food.
The world doesn't know about my food.
But I will show them.
I will feed them.

But I must remember,
It is not the servant who sustains those who eat.
It is the food that sustains those who eat.
And the servant needs the food most of all.
So draw close Lord.
I need more of you Jesus.

But the world around me is starving.
Even the man next to me.
Why does he hate the servant?
I only want to provide food.
Maybe he can't see clearly.
The light is not clear to him,
it only blinds him.
And he blocks it out with heavy eyelids.
And yet your servant loves him
Because you love him Lord.

Will he ever see clearly?
Please Lord!
Show him!
He needs you!
He will die!
He needs food!
Sustain him Lord!

Am I failing you?
Am I a good enough worker?
I'm trying Lord
but as I work I get tired.
I get hungry.
Feed me.
Give me rest.
Its all I ask because
You are all I need!

I do need you Lord.
Its so much more than a desire
More than an urge
More than a wish
I hunger Lord
I starve for you
You alone can sustain me.
Feed me Lord
Give me rest
Jesus hold me into your Heart!
Take me deeper Lord!
Take me deeper Lord!

Aug 12, 2008 12:00AM

We badly need workers in this country. So few know the Lord. And even fewer really know the Lord. Pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers.

I love you all so much and am eternally grateful for your support and your prayers in this partnership. I could have never had this experience without you and I pray that you have been blessed by partnering with me in this mission.

Job well done good and faithful servants.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Columbia University

I went to Columbia University this Monday morning to do some campus ministry "research." I was hoping to find out how the Gospel might be embodied on a campus like Columbia. The campus was busy with high school hopefuls on tours of the campus. When I first got on to campus I went to the guest services/main library building and picked up some info and a map. They had all college students working in the guest services area and the library was pretty empty. Then I went to the student center. It had a small place for people to eat: Asian, pastries, and a salad/wrap place, all squeezed into one tight little area. Not a great place for large groups, but possibly a good place to meet someone eating by themselves. (I meet lots of people that way) Outside of that room sat a girl at an info booth. So I got some info.

We talked for a while and she shared her experience with the University. She said it was hard to find her nitch at first but she has loved Columbia since she found her place. She said hardly anyone on campus has any school spirit, but everyone has New York City spirit. “There really is something for everyone here” she said as she listed off about 30 student organizations that she knew of or had at least visited. There is even a club for Ronald Regan fans.

Then I went to explore a little more. In the main area of the student center several clubs and organizations had big signs advertising themselves. There were several advertisements for spiritual groups. Among them: Falun Dafa [A powerful practice to improve body, mind and spirit based on universal principles (included a picture of several people meditating on the lawn)], Apostolos Campus Ministry, Korean Christian Students Association, Peace by Peace, Adventist Christian Fellowship, United Campus Ministries (Baptist, Buddhist, Campus Crusade, Catholic, Episcopal, Ethical Humanist, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Jewish, Lutheran, Methodist, Muslim, Presbyterian, Unitarian Universalist) After being in New York for 8 weeks the pluralism didnt surprise me at all, but it was still really sad to see. There are so many college students searching to fill the void in their life and not many looking to the only source that can fill it, Jesus Christ. This is one of the downfalls of the Postmodern generation I am a part of. So many believe there are many ways to find a complete life and to find Salvation. But Jesus said, "I AM the way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me." In the Gospel of John.

Later I went to sneak (I'm very sneaky haha) around in the student association office areas. There were a lot of students working on planning different events and things throughout the office areas. So I started some conversation with them and someone gave me a book with the real low down on Columbia. It had not been reviewed by Columbia before being published and was written completely by students. It had everything from food service, to professors; from athletics to the drug scene. The food got a D-, The academics got an A- because most of the professors could care less about their students. Athletics got an F with several students commenting “we have sports here?” The drug scene got a B with the major choice of drugs being marijuana. They got a B because apparently the campus police don’t do much to stop it at all. As long as you don’t cause a disturbance they will leave you alone.

I didn’t find anyone that was involved in any of the religious student organizations so I’m not sure how effective or present they are on campus. It sounds like they might have a good amount of watered down Christianity from the little I found out about those groups. At least with the whole United Campus Ministries thing. It seems like it would be a very interesting place to do ministry. There seems to be a lot of open-mindedness on campus and it would be relatively easy to start conversation and share your testimony with people on campus.

Afterwards I spent the rest of my time prayer-walking the campus praying for individuals as I passed them and for the incoming freshman class around the nation and then found myself praying for ACU and praying for the Lord to raise up workers for the harvest. Columbia could definitely come to know the Lord, but it needs workers, because there are very few. Pray for more workers. Pray for them to have Apostolic boldness about their faith. Pray for the spiritual battle going on throughout the campuses of America. If we don't rise up to the occasion and pray for these campuses we will have a lost generation and eventually a lost Nation. Pray.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

¡Power Hour!

Every Friday the 4 other interns and I head over to the projects at Pelham Bay in the Bronx to do a VBS type thing with the kids. They have a little playground area in the center of the apartment buildings where a lot of the kids hang out and a few parents watch. The Bronx Fellowship (the house Church network I'm working with) has been going there for about 5 summers in a row now to put on Power Hour for the kids there so they all expected us from the beginning of the summer.

When we get there we round up all the kids and start singing children's worship songs. Some of there favorites are "I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N" "The Sea of Galilee" "If You Love Jesus" and "Who Rocks the House" (My Jesus rocks the house!)

Then we will do a short Bible lesson. So far we have taught them things like How much God loves them, the 2 Greatest Commands, The Wise and Foolish Builders, and How Jesus fills the hole in their heart.

Then we play some kind of game like, "Boom" "The Human Knot" "Jordan Says" or "Freeze Tag" And of course what would Power Hour be without snacks? Afterwards we give them a cup of juice and a snack. And then we will play ball or frisbee with the kids that are still hanging around.

It has been an incredible blessing to play with those kids. They are so great and so fun to be around and they absolutely love getting to hang out with us. There aren't a lot of older people (especially males) who will spend any time playing with them or loving on them. It breaks my heart that almost none of them know what a healthy family looks like. It has really given me a new perspective on why Jesus loves kids so much. They really have a lot to teach us about Kingdom living.

"People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them." ~Mark 10:14-16

As I sat down Sunday afternoon talking with some members of the house Church Isaiah hopped up into my lap to play his PSP. And at that moment I knew why Jesus was so upset when the disciples tried to get the kids off of Him, because you couldn't have pried Isaiah away from my lap with the jaws of life.

Isaiah doesn't have a father, his mother has little to nothing to do with him and so his grandmother raises him while working full time as a nurse in the Bronx. I hope that in the little time I'm here with Isaiah I can show him some of the Love that His Father in Heaven lavishes on him. I know one thing is for sure. The Father is transforming me daily and using the little ones to do his transforming work.

Pray that the Lord of the Harvest would raise up more workers. Pray that people would come to know Jesus and that the Great Healer would bring healing and restoration to families. Pray that mothers and fathers would learn from their children. Pray that the Saints in the Bronx would be stirred to pray for their city. Pray that God would bring justice, and quickly.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." ~Ephesians 6:12

We can't just try to physically fix everything. No amount of money given, homes repaired, food bought, clothes given away, or medical attention will ever help without your prayers, because this battle is not against flesh and blood. These are all good things for us to do that the Father smiles on, but without our prayers it is all in vain. Pray without ceasing. Its what Jesus did.

"One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God." ~Luke 6:12

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jesus, Life, Baseball, Church, Careers, and Books

I have been spending a lot of time on the Lehman College campus hanging out with people, making friends, playing basketball, prayer walking and planting some Gospel seeds in some hearts along the way. Its amazing how the Lord will use you if you simply ask him. Before going on campus every day I will pray for the Lord to take my body and use it. I pray that I will be emptied and that the Holy Spirit would fill me up with His awesome power. Luke 13:11 says, "If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" So I ask and He gives.

I have had so many excellent conversations with people on this campus who are so lost. And the sad thing is, they have no clue they are lost. Through this, I've discovered one of Satan's biggest tools is making people busy. Because if you are busy, you never have time to think. And as long as he can keep you from thinking you will never find Truth. Through conversations with people on campus I have been able to share how much Jesus has taken a hold of my heart and how I've never been the same since.

In a conversation with Anthony, journalism major, sports writer, and avid Mets fan (which is rare in the Bronx) I was able to share my testimony, and express how much I really believed that Jesus loves me and loves him just as much.

I shared how I am an adventurer kind of guy and how Jesus was so cool to me because He was always doing outrageous things. He spend 30 days in the wilderness without food or water, He went sailing and then when the storm got to big made it stop, He actually walked across water, He shared meals with the "scum of the earth" kinds of people, He defied the Roman Empire by refusing to speak to its royalty when in questioning, He yelled some serious warnings against the religious gurus of the time, and did I mention He tore up the temple because he was furious at what was going on in there.

Jesus is a mans man. And thats a King, I can dig.

Anthony was pretty impressed by Jesus. It definitely wasn't the same Jesus he has heard about smiling and petting a baby lamb with his blue eyes and pristine shiny teeth. This was a guy worth getting to know. A guy worth following. Even a guy you could fall in love with. And there's not a doubt left in Anthony's mind that I am madly in love with my Lord. Anthony and I talked for a couple more hours about Jesus, life, baseball, the church, current books we were reading and possible future careers.

Will Anthony be baptized? Will he find a church home in the Bronx? Will he ever search for more answers about Jesus? Will he read the Gospels? Will he become a missionary? I'm not sure. But I know one thing. I made a new friend. And I got to tell my new friend about the one who changed everything for me.

1 Corinthians 3:6 says, "I [Paul] planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." I planted the seed. Maybe I'll even get a chance to water it some more. But now its time to pray. Pray for Anthony. Pray that God will make Anthony grow into a tree that bears a lot of fruit. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out more workers. Prayer I will make some new friends here. Pray for my boldness. Pray. He wants to hear from you.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

World Peace

Every Wednesday and Friday we have been setting up a prayer table for people at Grand Concourse and Fordham RD in the Bronx. We let them write their prayers and then pray with them right out on the street. I’ve written about this before but something very interesting happened today at the prayer table. For the first hour everyone that came to the table wanted to pray for world peace. I know it seems cliché because of countless “Miss America” contestants. However we weren’t talking to people trying to suck up to the entire country, and they are certainly no Miss America contestants.

We were talking to people with broken families, drug addictions, health problems, friends and family in prison, gang members, you name it. And what do they want from God? World peace. No one had ever come to us with this prayer, but today everyone wanted it. I felt like God was trying to share something with us.

So we prayed for world peace.

I find it remarkable in a culture where there are so many physical, emotional, and spiritual needs that people (some Christian, many not) look past their own needs and pray for the needs of the people of the world.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

Interestingly enough, after the first hour, everyone wanted prayers for their families. Health problems, broken relationships, rebellious children, salvation of family members, ect. God was teaching us an important lesson today. We can change the world, but not if we don’t start with ourselves and our own family. Our catalyst for change? God. How? Pray.

Pray for your family. Pray for the world. Don’t just pray for world peace. Pray for the Prince of Peace to be known and worshipped across the world. That will bring peace. That will bring Salvation. Wasn’t it Jesus that said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” We are called to go out into the world and bring the Prince of Peace wherever we go.

1 John 5:4 says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him.” I think there is nothing God wants more than to see His children come back to Him. So lets pray that it happens… with confidence in His action.

Beware though. He may just choose you to make it happen.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time with the Father...

The Lord has been taking me on quite the journey. The movement has been from what I “clearly knew” was full time worship ministry, to a mix of campus ministry, and the 24/7 prayer movement, and now he’s putting this church planting thing all over my map. In the same way that I didn’t even know what campus ministry was, nor the 24/7 prayer movement, God has just been throwing church planters at me left and right. My plan for this summer originally was to do some sort of campus ministry research/exploring along the West Coast. What did God decide to do with me instead? A church planting internship in the Northeast.

He has a funny way of turning our plans upside down. Maybe that’s just the problem, we think they are “our plans.” Instead the Lord says, “I know the plans I have for you.” They are the Lord’s plans. How foolish to think otherwise.

That being said, I’m not worried about the future. I’ve done enough of that. When we start to worry about the future and make our own plans I am convinced that God turns them around just to remind us who is in control.

However I am still a planner. And that’s okay. I’m not worried about the future, but to not think about it, and prepare for it would be foolish as well. Jesus prepared for His ministry by spending 40 days alone in the desert. A man could do some serious thinking in the desert. I’m sure most (or all) of His time was spent in conversation with His Dad. Asking the Father what His plans were for Him. Submitting to His Dad in every way. And being totally satisfied by the Father’s love.

This is the kind of planning I would like to do. And so I have been finding a good amount of time to be alone (or as alone as you can be in this city). Time reflecting on my experience here in the Bronx. Time assessing my ministry in Abilene over the past 3 years. Time thinking about my ecclesiology. Time talking to the Father. Time soaking up what He has to say back. Time meditating on His word. Time to be still… and just know who He is, and who I am as one of His sons (Heb 2:11).

I’ll share more detail on these thoughts later… Keep praying for my clarity in the search for His good, pleasing and perfect will.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I’ll cover you! Move in! Move in!

Last weekend we took a group of 20 teens from the Bronx camping and playing paintball in Pennsylvania. Only 2 of them had ever played paintball and none of them had been camping. Growing up in Texas this just seemed crazy! It was so funny to see these tough kids who grew up in the Bronx be scared out of there mind when it got dark in the woods. One of them threw their flashlight into the woods when he “heard a bear.”

I went on a little hike with two of the guys and two girls. We hiked through the enormously tall trees of PA to this little brook. It was beautiful! The water was crystal clear and they were all loving every bit of it. We had some good conversation about creation, life and the NFL along the way. That night we had a short small group discussion about the story of Jesus raising Lazarus and God’s endless supply of 2nd chances. I talked to one of the guys who was asking lots of questions afterwards to see if he wanted to meet up regularly to talk about Jesus and read some stories about him. He sounded like it was something he really wanted to do. More on that later…

The next day we played 8 hours of paintball in the countries top paintball venue. It was pretty incredible. Heath and I taught them some lessons about the power of teamwork. Well not verbally, but by the way we took them all out working together haha. I wont say anything else about paintball except that you can call me Rambo now if you want…

The teens talked about nothing but “war stories” (of paintball) the whole 3 ½ hour ride back to NYC. Building relationships with these guys was definitely the highlight of the weekend. I look forward to getting to know them more. They are getting together on Saturday for a teen house church meeting. Most of them have either never been or are not regulars. We are going to hang out with them in the park this Sunday afternoon. Maybe play some backyard football or frisbee.

Be in prayer that these relationships wont fade after a weekend together in the woods, but that they will continue to grow together as friends and in relationship with the Father.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Take it to the Streets!

Yesterday was simply amazing! If you followed any of the prayer movement stuff at ACU last semester then imagine that on the biggest intersection in the Bronx, NY. Well, sort of… We didn’t have a tent or anything, but we did have a table, and an incredible God. We set up a table on top of a bridge on one of the busiest intersections in the Bronx, Grand Concourse and Fordham RD. On the table we had several Bibles to hand out, some literature about the Bronx Fellowship, free conversational English lessons, and Camp Shiloh, and a bifold dry-erase board with the words “Can we pray for you?” and “Write your prayers here.” The 5 of us interns also wrote our prayers on the board.

Three of our team members did a prayer walk around the surrounding area for an hour while Clarissa and I stood at the table. As we stood we prayed that the Lord’s presence would be great in that place, that people would be drawn in by His presence, and that people would be open to share their brokenness, among prayers of thanksgiving and other things.

We stood there for a good 10 minutes feeling a bit awkward and getting some strange looks and sneering comments, before anyone stopped to say anything. The first two ladies to stop were sisters and one of their sons was in ICU with cancer. They wrote it on the board, so I asked them about him and asked if I could pray with them. As I started to pray the Spirit really took hold of my words. Words of comfort, compassion, healing and great faith flowed out of my mouth like never before. They thanked us for the prayers and for being there and went on their way.

While I was praying with the two sisters another young lady, Kim, came up to talk to Clarissa. She wrote a prayer for her kids and stated to ask the both of us about what we were doing. She thought it was especially cool, and wanted more information. She even asked us if we (the church) would come to her house. (Since that is what we do) We enthusiastically agreed! She gave us her contact info, took a Bible, and went on her way.

Then there was Alexia. He was about 24-28 year old guy and he simply came up and wrote, “Lord, be with me in this time of crisis.” I asked Alexia what he meant, “time of crisis.” And he replied telling me about how he was about to move into a homeless shelter because he was being kicked out of his apartment. I asked him if I could pray there on the street for him and he agreed. Once again the Spirit took over my prayer. As I prayed, he interrupted and said, “I don’t have a job either, could you pray for that too” so we continued to pray. He thanked me and jogged across the street to smoke a cigarette on the next corner.

Thanks be to the God who answers prayers and loves His children.

Keep those prayers coming!

P.S. Kim called us before we were able to call her. She wants to study the Bible with us.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

In the Bronx

I'm sitting in the airport at Kansas City waiting for my connecting flight to New York City, and the Lord is already blessing me with conversation. We had a pretty empty flight, and it was at 6:25AM so everyone was asleep, except me and Malloi (it means butterfly). She was a 25 year old refugee from the Congo who works in the George Bush Tollway. Their country has been at war for many years. Her mom took her and her siblings to the US out of fear for their lives in 2002. We talked about families, my brothers wedding, her recent wedding, the war in Congo, and the book of Revelation. Trust me, I didn't bring that up! Haha. I'm not big on "end times evangelism." But apparently that's what God wanted us to talk about this morning. She asked why I was going to NYC so I told her about my internship with the house churches. She seemed very interested but was personally more into the TV evangelist thing. We talked for a while about some of those guys and our disappointments with how they have represented Christians. We talked about Jesus and she told me how important prayer had been in her life, living in a country under attack. We only had an hour together in the plane, but it was a great start to the summer. Many more conversations to come. Time to hop on the next plane!

Sooooo... I typed that and then forgot to send it off. It is now Tuesday...

The first two days (Sunday and Monday) I was feeling very overwhelmed. I've been told a million times, "there are people every where in NYC." Well, they were right! I think its kind of a mix of the massive amounts of people, the huge culture shift, the non-stop city, family, friends, and Sara being back home, and the fact that its hard to be alone that have really shaken me the past couple of days. But today was so much better. I talked to Heath (one of the guys on my team) and called Sara to talked to her about it and let her pray for me.

Today was much better. I started to get a better picture of what I would be doing. I got to visit Bronx Community College for the first time (it was a short visit) but it still helped me get a little bit of a feel for the campus. So I am very excited about some ministry opportunities there. I am going to go explore and prayer walk the rest of the campus and Lehman College tomorrow afternoon to see where the Lord is leading me and where their might be some opportunities to break into some of the smaller communities within the campuses.

Pray for my awareness to the Spirits movings that He would lead me to the place He is already at work. Pray that I would be bold with my faith and that the harvest would be ripe. Most of all, pray for more workers.

Much Love.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another Tragedy on Campus

Today at Northern Illinois University there was a school shooting. The reports are not consistent but approximately 17 people were shot and 5 or 6 were killed, plus the assumed suicide of the shooter. Why does this happen on college campuses so frequently? Why is there so much hate in the world that people decide they need to take someone else's life?

Well as you know today is Valentines Day. The "Day of Love" if you will. I have to say that the as horrible and tragic as 5-7 people having their lives taken from them today that is not the real tragedy. The real tragedy is the absence of Love. The tragedy is the presence of Hate. What if someone had shown love to this college student? What if instead of feeling like he had no one he had a Christ-like community of people surrounding him that knew him deeply? One that knew the hurt and built up anger deep inside of him and that loved him despite that. It would have changed his life! It would have changed the life of Northern Illinois University. It would have changed the world.

I'll leave you with the lyrics of some hippies you may know well...

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

Oh yeah, and Jesus, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Uncreated One

Holy Uncreated One
Your beauty fills the skies
But the glory of Your majesty
Is the mercy in Your eyes

Worthy Uncreated One
From heaven to earth come down
You laid aside Your royalty
To wear the sinner's crown

O Great God, be glorified
Our lives laid down
Yours magnified
O Great God, be lifted high
There is none like You

Jesus, Savior, God's own son
Risen, reigning Lord
Sustainer of the Universe
By the power of Your word

And when we see Your matchless face
In speechless awe we'll stand
And there we'll bow with grateful hearts
Unto the Great I am

O Great God, be glorified
Our lives laid down
Yours magnified
O Great God, be lifted high
There is none like You

~Chris Tomlin

Great song! Just thought I'd share it with you.