Because that's what happened when the church gathered at my brother Kent's house tonight. Sara and I had to show up a tad late because of work, but from the moment we arrived all of our friends were gathered together in the living room meditating on the Lord Jesus. When we sat down we each took the bread and spoke to each other how we had seen Jesus in the lives of other individuals in the room. We did this for about 45 minutes, praising Jesus for the work he was doing in and through each of our sisters and brothers in the room as we shared the bread with each other. It was beautiful. The church was doing what it was designed to do when it is gathered. Build one another up and worship Jesus.
We then shared the wine as we spoke directly to Jesus telling him why we love Him and why we are thankful for him. I shared tears as I was able to express to the church how deeply I am in love Jesus for being able to call him my brother, best friend and King. Each person, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, economic status, speaking abilities, etc. shared their voice and their life with everyone else in the house. The Lord was glorified and the Body of Christ was built up.
Praise be to our God and our King, our Brother and our Friend, our Great Master and Humble Servant, our Savior and Lord, the Ruler and Creator of both Heaven and Earth, Jesus Christ. All glory to Him in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever. Amen
I've had similar experiences on a number of occasions and long for this to a regular part of my week. It is hard to find. But, having found it - this kind of intimacy and transparency and community - it's very hard to continue to endure a typical "worship service." Don't get me started...
Agreed. We have been gathering like this for the last 5 months and have been detoxing from the "typical worship service" as you coined it. I am now well past the point of no return. And I think thats a really good thing!
My comment the other day about the Christians in America (and elsewhere) being a mission field is, I believe, very true. I am frequently tempted to flee institutional church, and perhaps I should but I still believe there is hope. The question is how to convince the institution and its constituents that there is so much more. I cannot understand the fear and determination That drives not only the unwillingness to change but even to consider that there might be more.
Our church's mission statement says, "...we are a Spirit led family..." I wonder if its really true because I wonder why the Spirit is not leading us to more. Perhaps I just expect too much, or perhaps we are willing to settle for less.
I believe there are those called to be a catalyst for change in the institutional church. I also believe there are those called to leave it in order to be the change in the world those in the institutional church talk about but rarely act upon. I fall in the second category.
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