This is part 2 of the Changes series. If you didn't read part one it would make a lot more sense in that context, so you should go do that first...
Part 2 is about the "new monastic community" I started in Edwards Hall this semester. It is a group of 10 students at ACU that all live in Edwards. 8 freshmen, 1 sophomore and 1 junior. I was thrilled yet nervous about initiating and leading this community, “Pirate Monks.” I wasn’t sure if there would actually be anyone that would be interested in making this kind of commitment, nor how I would be as a leader of this type of community. Yet I was determined to be faithful to this call that the Lord put on my heart.
Pirate Monks has been a truly a phenomenal expression of covenanted communal discipleship. Ten students committed to a spiritual rule that I thought impossible for college students. They are committed to daily conversation with the Lord, the 10:02 prayer (a prayer for more harvest workers), a soul friend relationship, weekly fasting, reading the Sermon on the Mount three times a week, and meeting with all of their monk brothers every week. They have been far more committed to these rules than I could have ever imagined and it is transforming them deeper into the image of Jesus day by day.
Next semester I am going to begin meeting with them one on one for 30 minutes every other week for coaching. This is something I wanted to do from the beginning but it was difficult to find the time. I think it should be easier at the beginning of the semester to get it going. I also think this will be helpful in one of my seminary courses as we are learning how to be a better life coach. I think it is important to partner education with practice. This should be a good way to combine these two things.

If you are interested in keeping up with more about the Pirate Monks you can visit my other blog that I am beginning that is strictly about that community... piratemonks.blogspot.com
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