The Lord has been taking me on quite the journey. The movement has been from what I “clearly knew” was full time worship ministry, to a mix of campus ministry, and the 24/7 prayer movement, and now he’s putting this church planting thing all over my map. In the same way that I didn’t even know what campus ministry was, nor the 24/7 prayer movement, God has just been throwing church planters at me left and right. My plan for this summer originally was to do some sort of campus ministry research/exploring along the West Coast. What did God decide to do with me instead? A church planting internship in the Northeast.
He has a funny way of turning our plans upside down. Maybe that’s just the problem, we think they are “our plans.” Instead the Lord says, “I know the plans I have for you.” They are the Lord’s plans. How foolish to think otherwise.
That being said, I’m not worried about the future. I’ve done enough of that. When we start to worry about the future and make our own plans I am convinced that God turns them around just to remind us who is in control.
However I am still a planner. And that’s okay. I’m not worried about the future, but to not think about it, and prepare for it would be foolish as well. Jesus prepared for His ministry by spending 40 days alone in the desert. A man could do some serious thinking in the desert. I’m sure most (or all) of His time was spent in conversation with His Dad. Asking the Father what His plans were for Him. Submitting to His Dad in every way. And being totally satisfied by the Father’s love.
This is the kind of planning I would like to do. And so I have been finding a good amount of time to be alone (or as alone as you can be in this city). Time reflecting on my experience here in the Bronx. Time assessing my ministry in Abilene over the past 3 years. Time thinking about my ecclesiology. Time talking to the Father. Time soaking up what He has to say back. Time meditating on His word. Time to be still… and just know who He is, and who I am as one of His sons (Heb 2:11).
I’ll share more detail on these thoughts later… Keep praying for my clarity in the search for His good, pleasing and perfect will.
Hi, Bubbie,
As your mother, I'm amazed at how mature you are! God is so at work in you, and I'm so blessed that he has called my son so profoundly! Letting go of our will and allowing him to be in control (like we really have a choice!) is one of life's most difficult lessons--one that many never learn! I'm so grateful that God is allowing you to learn it so early! Isn't it exciting to sit at his throne, and listen? To contemplate and meditate on what he's calling you to do next? I'll be praying along with you for his sovereign will to be made known to you, and that he will work providentially in powerful, eternal ways in and through you this summer and beyond. I know that God will work in you for your good and his glory! I love you so much! Mama
I'm 56 and still wonder what new doors of ministry God will open. Not very long ago I would never have imagined working at Herald of Truth or being an elder at SH. And not that long ago, there wasn't even HIP. Just stay open to God's call. He will do great things in your life... most of which you cannot even imagine right now.
I'm praying for you, bro! Wilderness time always brings great results.
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