Yesterday was simply amazing! If you followed any of the prayer movement stuff at ACU last semester then imagine that on the biggest intersection in the Bronx, NY. Well, sort of… We didn’t have a tent or anything, but we did have a table, and an incredible God. We set up a table on top of a bridge on one of the busiest intersections in the Bronx, Grand Concourse and Fordham RD. On the table we had several Bibles to hand out, some literature about the Bronx Fellowship, free conversational English lessons, and Camp Shiloh, and a bifold dry-erase board with the words “Can we pray for you?” and “Write your prayers here.” The 5 of us interns also wrote our prayers on the board.
Three of our team members did a prayer walk around the surrounding area for an hour while Clarissa and I stood at the table. As we stood we prayed that the Lord’s presence would be great in that place, that people would be drawn in by His presence, and that people would be open to share their brokenness, among prayers of thanksgiving and other things.
We stood there for a good 10 minutes feeling a bit awkward and getting some strange looks and sneering comments, before anyone stopped to say anything. The first two ladies to stop were sisters and one of their sons was in ICU with cancer. They wrote it on the board, so I asked them about him and asked if I could pray with them. As I started to pray the Spirit really took hold of my words. Words of comfort, compassion, healing and great faith flowed out of my mouth like never before. They thanked us for the prayers and for being there and went on their way.
While I was praying with the two sisters another young lady, Kim, came up to talk to Clarissa. She wrote a prayer for her kids and stated to ask the both of us about what we were doing. She thought it was especially cool, and wanted more information. She even asked us if we (the church) would come to her house. (Since that is what we do) We enthusiastically agreed! She gave us her contact info, took a Bible, and went on her way.
Then there was Alexia. He was about 24-28 year old guy and he simply came up and wrote, “Lord, be with me in this time of crisis.” I asked Alexia what he meant, “time of crisis.” And he replied telling me about how he was about to move into a homeless shelter because he was being kicked out of his apartment. I asked him if I could pray there on the street for him and he agreed. Once again the Spirit took over my prayer. As I prayed, he interrupted and said, “I don’t have a job either, could you pray for that too” so we continued to pray. He thanked me and jogged across the street to smoke a cigarette on the next corner.
Thanks be to the God who answers prayers and loves His children.
Keep those prayers coming!
P.S. Kim called us before we were able to call her. She wants to study the Bible with us.
Awesome. Keep these updates coming. This is great.
Hi, sweet boy!
Daddy and I are so excited about what you are doing, and how you are seeing God work in and through you already. We will continue to pray for your safety and God's provision of everything you need. He is faithful, when we are obedient to trust and follow his call. I can't wait to see what comes of the Bible study! Wow! That is so exciting! "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." 2 Cor. 1:20
Keep up the good work! We love you, Mama
Jordan, this is Kathryn, I am so deeply touched reading your blog and so proud of you. You are touching so many lost people who feel they have no where to turn. We are on this earth to simply love others and teach others about Christ's unconditional love. Keep up the good work. It is so exciting to see what God is doing through you. We will pray very specifically!
I love you,
K Abston
I'm thankful that you've been blessed with a great day to be used by him. Throughout the summer you will have exciting days like this one, and then you'll have days that you wonder what on earth you are doing there. Take courage and know that is God using you in the exciting and the mundane.
I love it. Thanks for the encouragemnt you give us by sharing your experiences.
This is a beautiful testimony. Especially on this trip, may God be over you, flow through you, and be glorified in you, as I know He already is.
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