Well my days in the Bronx are over with (as far as I know). I'm back in full swing getting ready for our campus ministry leadership retreat where I'll be helping train all of our LIFE Group leaders and getting ready for the big Fall retreat in September. Then it will be time to start preparing for the 24/7 Prayer movement God started through me last semester at ACU. So its going to be an exciting semester.
It was raining all morning as I was leaving for the airport. And so you guessed it my flight was delayed. And man do I mean delayed! I was supposed to leave at 2PM so I got to the airport around 11:00 and after many adventures in 2 different airports I finally left JFK International at 10PM. I was looking out to the west at the darkness. As I was looking out I was listening to Hillsong one of my favorite worship bands and just praising God for the summer and what He had been doing in my life. As I was doing this I felt the Spirit urging me to pray over these pockets of light (small towns and cities) that I could see from the airplane. So I prayed over them. Then about midnight He started to give me words. Here they are exactly as I wrote them in my journal...
All I need is you Lord.
As I look out to the West from a mile high I see pockets of people.
Because no one wants to be alone,
or maybe no one can exist alone.
All the lights gather.
Is this the remnant?
Will they shine in the dark spaces?
The dark spaces are great in the West
And yet they are so bright.
So different.
They stand out so clearly among all creation
And yet you are a gracious God.
Your clouds cover the whole land.
Your stars look down over all the peoples.
But now I look to the West and see the darkness.
Do you still remain there?
Where is the remnant?
The only light I see is my own,
But it is very bright.
Will it be enough?
It makes a difference,
But no.
It is not enough.
Maybe one here and one there.
Then over there.
The light is growing!
More people can see!
But not enough.
I know the enemy has been defeated.
I know this is my heart,
But it is still so dark in the West.
And now as I look out to the West
it is completely dark!
Where has the light gone?
Who will shine?
Who will stand?
Who will go?
I will shine Lord!
I will stand up!
I will go!
I will declare your name wherever I go!
Your name will be on my lips at all times.
My tongue will be undivided.
This house will stand.
Stand on the Rock.
Because there is nothing like your Love.
And your Love is all I need.
All I need is you Lord.
You are everything!
All I need is you Jesus!
Draw close!
Be near to me!
I need more of you Lord.
You will be my food.
The world doesn't know about my food.
But I will show them.
I will feed them.
But I must remember,
It is not the servant who sustains those who eat.
It is the food that sustains those who eat.
And the servant needs the food most of all.
So draw close Lord.
I need more of you Jesus.
But the world around me is starving.
Even the man next to me.
Why does he hate the servant?
I only want to provide food.
Maybe he can't see clearly.
The light is not clear to him,
it only blinds him.
And he blocks it out with heavy eyelids.
And yet your servant loves him
Because you love him Lord.
Will he ever see clearly?
Please Lord!
Show him!
He needs you!
He will die!
He needs food!
Sustain him Lord!
Am I failing you?
Am I a good enough worker?
I'm trying Lord
but as I work I get tired.
I get hungry.
Feed me.
Give me rest.
Its all I ask because
You are all I need!
I do need you Lord.
Its so much more than a desire
More than an urge
More than a wish
I hunger Lord
I starve for you
You alone can sustain me.
Feed me Lord
Give me rest
Jesus hold me into your Heart!
Take me deeper Lord!
Take me deeper Lord!
Aug 12, 2008 12:00AM
We badly need workers in this country. So few know the Lord. And even fewer really know the Lord. Pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers.
I love you all so much and am eternally grateful for your support and your prayers in this partnership. I could have never had this experience without you and I pray that you have been blessed by partnering with me in this mission.
Job well done good and faithful servants.